Food Glorious Food

Roasted cauliflower with tomatoes, hummus and pita

Nobody’s perfect (except maybe my dental hygienist who never eats sweets!) So yes, I bake and eat cookies, cakes, squares, scones, and being the carb queen that I am, my favourite, bread.


Sticky buns!

Like everything else in life, it’s all about the balance. My children will attest to the fact that I can eat just one cookie at a time. I never eat anything sweet before lunch, fresh fruit of course doesn’t count. My mom used to say that dessert wasn’t a meal and always gave us small portions of her homemade pies. Also, with six kids, there was a need to exercise restraint!

I firmly believe that food of all kinds is life enhancing. So many of our fondest memories are triggered by the taste or smell of foods. Like the French writer Marcel Proust and his madeleines, we can be swept off to a happy remembrance by the scent of a freshly baked peanut butter cookie. Or maybe for you it’s the crunch of biting into a rice krispie square that brings back your childhood after school snack time.

Proust’s favourite: Madelines

The creative act of baking has its own rewards. When my kids come over for Sunday dinner they always ask “What’s for dessert mom?” I notice the gleam in their eyes when they spy my just-out-of-the-oven confection on the kitchen counter, wafting its aroma into the air.

Now that I think about it, should perfection even be a goal? 😉

Ciao Bella!


The Zen of Knitting


The Reluctant Runner